How the NFT.NYC Community is Engaging with NFTs — Analysis by Mnemonic

3 min readJun 16, 2022


NFT.NYC 2022 is now only 4 days away.

The 4th annual community event has 14,000+ registered to attend, 1,500 speakers, and 300+ sponsors.

We partnered with Mnemonic, NFT.NYC’s Official Data Partner, to analyze public eth wallet addresses provided by attendees.

Here’s how the community is engaging with NFTs.

68% of NFT.NYC Attendees received their first NFT in 2021

22% of attendees in our analysis got their first NFT in 2022.

The wallet that has been active in the space the longest received its first NFT nearly 5 years ago in July of 2017.

According to our analysis, the most common points of entry into the NFT world for attendees are:

  1. OpenSea Shared Storefront
  2. ENS
  3. Rarible
  4. CryptoKitties
  5. Bored Ape Yacht Club

Most common first NFTs for NFT.NYC attendees (top 10 collections)

2022 NFT Activity Highlights

In 2021, the world had woken up to NFTs.

In the first half of 2022, NFT.NYC attendees have collectively made more than 241k transactions.

Notable NFT Transactions from the community:

  1. A Bored Ape was bought for 420.69 ETH
  2. A Doodle was bought for 415.115 ETH
  3. A Meebits was bought for 400 ETH

The most profitable collection for NFT.NYC attendees so far this year is the Sandbox’s LAND, which accounted for 5981.06 ETH in total gains amongst all attendees who sold this year.

On average, attendees who sold LAND saw an average realized gain of 27.18 ETH (49% of sales were profitable).

What does the average NFT.NYC attendee wallet hold?

67% of NFT.NYC 2022 Attendee wallets use an ENS domain.

50% of the wallets analyzed hold less than 50 NFTs, and 50% hold less than 30 different collections.

One wallet holds 114,197 NFTs.

63% of attendees have received an airdrop at some point in time.

On aggregate, NFT.NYC attendees have received a total of more than 440K airdrops to their wallets.

What collections do NFT.NYC Attendees hold?

The NFT.NYC attendee wallets analyzed by Mnemonic hold a grand total of 21,724 unique collections.

702 attendees have held a Bored Ape at some point in time, and 237 currently hold one.

480 attendees have held a World of Women NFT, and 197 currently do.

Top 10 Collections amongst NFT.NYC attendees (sorted by number of tokens held)

Thank you Mnemonic

This analysis and data was provided by NFT.NYC’s Official Data Partner, Mnemonic, who will also be providing additional insights post-event to select sponsors who participate in our NFT Swag Bag drops.

The Mnemonic team will be at NFT.NYC 2022 this June 20–23 in Times Square and will gladly talk NFT data with you.




Since 2019, NFT.NYC events have hosted thousands of attendees, hundreds of leading speakers and the best NFT projects.